Saturday, November 30, 2013

Ramblings of the Internal Voice

"The difference between her and I is that she has visibility, I don't. The difference between he and I is that he has visibility, I don't. The difference between us and them is they have visibility, we don't. Are we all one in the same? Are we all truly the same? You told us that we were equal, if so, then why are they dying everyday? Why are they forced into selling their bodies, why don't they have access? Why aren't their lives valued? Why don't our parents love us for embracing our truth? Why does society set up all of these structures, as if we are mice in an experiment, in a maze of ceiling dreams, of sky-high dreams, only to laugh in our faces and bite us viciously with rejection? Do you feel the sting? Because I feel the sting." - Kaleef Lauren

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